How to sew the adjustable shoulder strap

Today’s handcrafted goods is “Adjustable shoulder strap".

shoulder strap


Acrylic webbing, 2.5cm by 120cm.

acrylic webbing

2 swivel hooks to match the width of the webbing.

swivel hooks

1 slider to match the width of the webbing.


Adjustable shoulder strap tutorial

1. Pass the acrylic webbing through the slider.

pass the acrylic webbing through the slider

2. Fold the end over, and sew.

fold and sew

3. Thread the swivel hook. Then feed the acrylic webbing through the slider.

thread the swivel hook

4. Thread the other swivel hook. Then fold the other end over, and sew. It’s done.

thread the other swivel hook
adjustable shoulder strap

Making movie is the following.

How to sew the adjustable shoulder strap – YouTube